Submit jobs
You use Slurm commands to submit jobs to AiMOS.
You logged in to one of the front end nodes. For how to see Login to AiMOS.
You must specify “–gres=gpu:<value>” option with the salloc or sbatch command if you want to allocate the compute nodes from AiMOS.
The value is between 1 and 6 for DCS(Power) cluster.
The value is between 1 and 8 for NPL(X86) cluster.
This the number of gpu that you want per node. If you specify –gres=gpu:6 for DCS cluster or –gres=gpu:8 for NPL cluster, you are in essence would get the whole node(s) allocated to you. For more information regarding GPU on AiMOS, see
You also must specify the time required to run your job via option -t <value>. The value is number of minutes. See Job Queue Limits for more information.
Interactive Job
It is assumed that you already ssh to one of the front end nodes. You use the salloc command to allocate 1 node with 6 gpu for 15 minutes. After the command returns, you now run squeue command to see which node is allocated for the interactive session. In the example below, dcs249 is allocated. Now you can ssh to the node and execute your application.
[your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ salloc -N 1 --gres=gpu:6 -t 15
salloc: Granted job allocation 60780
[your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ squeue
60780 dcs bash your-id R 1:07 1 dcs249
[your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ ssh dcs249
Warning: Permanently added 'dcs249,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[your-id@dcs249 ~]$ ls
barn barn-shared etc scratch scratch-shared var
[your-id@dcs249 ~]$ hostname -f
After the specified time, which is 15 minutes in this example, the node is deallocated and you will no longer be allowed to ssh to the node.
[your-id@dcs249 ~]$ salloc: Job 60780 has exceeded its time limit and its allocation has been revoked.
Killed by signal 1.
[your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ ssh dcs249
Access denied: user yourid (uid=6112) has no active jobs on this node.
Access denied by pam_slurm_adopt: you have no active jobs on this node
Authentication failed.
Batch job
You use sbatch Slurm command to submit a batch job. You can create a scriptthat contains a list of Slurm directives (or commands) to tell Slurm what to do. This is a sample script to run a hello_MPI_c program.
PREREQUISITE: Passwordless is required for MPI job. For how to see Initial Environment Setup.
#!/bin/bash -x
# The lines started with SBATCH are directives to sbatch command. Alternately, they can be specified on the command line.
#SBATCH -J hello_MPI
#SBATCH -o hello_MPI_%j.out
#SBATCH -e hello_MPI_%j.err
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=<you email address>
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:6
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --time=02:00:00
# SLURM_NPROCS and SLURM_NTASK_PER_NODE env variables are set by sbatch Slurm commands based on the SBATCH directives above
# or options specified on the command line.
if [ "x$SLURM_NPROCS" = "x" ]
if [ "x$SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE" = "x" ]
if [ "x$SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE" = "x" ]
# Get the host name of the allocated compute node(s) and generate the host list file.
srun hostname -s | sort -u > ~/tmp/hosts.$SLURM_JOBID
awk "{ print \$0 \"-ib slots=$SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE\"; }" ~/tmp/hosts.$SLURM_JOBID >~/tmp/tmp.$SLURM_JOBID
mv ~/tmp/tmp.$SLURM_JOBID ~/tmp/hosts.$SLURM_JOBID
# Load the required tools and libraries for the job.
module load gcc/6.4.0/1
module load spectrum-mpi
# Submit the job.
mpirun --bind-to core --report-bindings -hostfile ~/tmp/hosts.$SLURM_JOBID -np $SLURM_NPROCS <PATH>/hello_MPI_c
# Remove the generated host list file
rm ~/tmp/hosts.$SLURM_JOBID
Submit the above sample job via sbatch command:
sbatch ./
Note: that you can specify the command options on the sbatch command line instead of using #SBATCH directive like in the sample script above.
With #SBATCH –mail-type=ALL, #SBATCH –mail-user=<you email address>, you should receive the email from Slurm when a job starts and ends to your email address.
You should also see the <job name>_<job_id>.out and <job name>_<job_id>.err in your current directory with #SBATCH -o <job name>_%j.out and #SBATCH -e <job name>_%j.err after the job completes.
Build the job dependencies
You can use --dependency
flag of sbatch to build a list of jobs to run in order. For more information see
You can find examples for how to use this flag at the link.
Request for up to 48 hours run time
The default maximum time limit is 360 minutes which is 6 hours. It is recommended that you include checkpoint restart in your code to enable your job to restart at the last checkpoint if your job run is longer than 6 hours. For information on how to implement the checkpoint in pytorch, you can refer to
However, Both NPL and DCS clusters now have a capability for a 48 hour job time limit. There are maximum 18 nodes that you can request for the 48 hour time limit in DCS cluster. There are maximum of 4 nodes that you can request for this option in NPL cluster. To request this capability, you must include the following line in your salloc or sbatch command.
On DCS cluster:
On NPL cluster:
Or the following line in your batch script:
On DCS cluster:
#SBATCH --qos=dcs-48hr
On NPL cluster:
#SBATCH --qos=npl-48hr
Request for NVMe storage on the compute nodes
NOTE: NVMe storage is only available on the DCS cluster. It is not yet available on the NPL cluster.
To request NVMe storage, specify –gres=nvme with your Slurm commands. This can be combined with other requests, such as GPUs. When the first job step starts, the system will initialize the storage and create the path /mnt/nvme/uid_${SLURM_JOB_UID}/job_${SLURM_JOBID}.
(base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ salloc -N 1 --gres=gpu:6,nvme -t 30
salloc: Granted job allocation 64444
(base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ squeue
64444 dcs bash BMHRkmkh R 0:11 1 dcs055
(base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ ssh dcs055
Warning: Permanently added 'dcs055,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
(base) [your-id@dcs055 ~]$
(base) [your-id@dcs055 ~]$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs 243G 0 243G 0% /dev
tmpfs 256G 64K 256G 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 256G 25M 256G 1% /run
tmpfs 256G 0 256G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
rootfs 256G 7.6G 249G 3% /
rw 256G 64K 256G 1% /.sllocal/log
gpfs.u 1.1P 387T 640T 38% /gpfs/u
/dev/nvme0n1 1.5T 77M 1.5T 1% /mnt/nvme
(base) [your-id@dcs055 job_64444]$ pwd
NOTE: The NVMe storage is not persistent between allocations.